Interested in the ENLIGHT R&I outputs and results? Below you may find relevant information per major area of activity.

Research & Innovation Synergies

Mapping of scientific and technological domains and common skills

The report explores and applies a technology intelligence-based approach to map the R&I activities of the nine universities of the ENLIGHT Alliance based on a set of selected scientific and technological data associated with them.

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Digital research infrastructures

Mapping of Digital Research Infrastructural Ressources

The report brings together a mapping of Digital Research Infrastructural Resources across ENLIGHT RISE partners. A mapping exercise aims at creating an overview of platforms, competencies and priorities within the ENLIGHT community. The objective is to identify synergies related to the ENLIGHT flagship areas and provide input for future joint R/I actions. A roadmap for connecting and sharing digital infrastructural resources between the nine partner universities is outlined. Preparations for future digital alignment of innovation ecosystems and a responsible use of AI are also discussed.

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Map of DI/AI initiatives, tools and methods in ENLIGHT

The report brings together initiatives, tools and methods in the DI/AI Digital Ecosystem of the ENLIGHT Alliance in order to identify possibilities related to the ENLIGHT R&I Agenda.

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White paper for ENLIGHT responsible DI/AI index

This report will describe how ENLIGHT can actively contribute to advancing responsible DI/AI R&I, to optimize its impact on the 5 flagship challenges and develop a responsible DI/AI Development Index to assess and monitor the implementation of these guidelines.

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Research assessment & Early Career Researchers

The Evaluation of Research and Researchers. Current trends and developments

ENLIGHT RISE partners explore how the current debate impacts the evaluation systems of individual universities and what it might mean for the ENLIGHT European University. This background document is a starting point for all those involved in the assessment of research and researchers - policy makers, research support staff and researchers involved in the design and implementation of research(er) assessment systems – to plunge into the current debate and its implications.

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Recommandation on research assement systems

An overview of the ongoing debate on the reform of research and researcher assessment is complemented by case studies from the ENLIGHT partner universities. These case studies highlight innovative responsible assessment practices that contribute to reshaping the research and researcher assessment landscape, with the potential to culminate in a transformative shift in the evaluation culture within academia.

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Map of academy-industry partnerships 

The report brings together a mapping of the academy-industry partnerships.  The objective is to identify synergies related to the UN-SDGs & ENLIGHT flagship challenges.

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Recommendations on gaps and opportunities in the market for skills and innovation 

The report identifies gaps and opportunities in the market for skills and innovation, which match with common, synergistic Research and Innovation skills across the alliance.

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Open Science

ENLIGHT Open Science Status Quo & Opportunities

Mapping of Open Science (OS) activities across the ENLIGHT university alliance through an Open Science Status Matrix. It highlights good practices, identifies gaps and opportunities for joint action, proposes joint principles, and outlines options for rewards and incentives.


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ENLIGHT OS, OA & RDM Starter Kit for Researchers

The Enlight Open Science, Open Access (OA) and Research Data Management (RDM) Starter Kit will bring together basics arguments and information on how to get started, generic information and information on OA and RDM – where to get started, where are places to get information for example on GDPR, DMPs, data repositories, required policies, licenses etc. Usable templates which can be adapted to local situation and different subject fields.

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Public Engagement & Co-Creation of Research

Survey of existing civil society engagement tools in Research, Innovation, Learning and Teaching

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Research Impact

Web-based repository and tool for mutual learning on R&I impact

A web-based tool which acts as a repository of international good practices on research impact assessment and measurement.

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Toolkit for monitoring and assessing R&I impact #V1

The ENLIGHT toolkit for the self-assessment of research impact awareness, literacy and readiness is a self-reflection tool designed for universities who wish to explore at an institutional level their research impact potential. The toolkit guides users through focus areas considered as relevant for universities to be research impact-driven.

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Report on barriers and opportunities on R&I impact-driven agendas #1

The report covers barriers and opportunities for both impact-driven research agendas at universities institutional level, and for common impact-driven research agendas among different institutions..

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Toolkit for monitoring and assessing R&I impact #V2

The Digital toolkit for monitoring and assessing R&I impact acts as a self-assessment resource.  Deliverable D37 described the design and development process of this toolkit, while this deliverable D38 reviews the results from the initial uptake of the toolkit and tracks changes in research impact awareness, literacy and readiness at ENLIGHT universities.

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Report on barriers and opportunities on R&I impact-driven agendas #V2

This deliverable serves a double objective. First, it reports on the different public workshops, encounters, webinars, surveys, mapping exercises, interviews and meetings that served the collection and subsequent analysis of the barriers and opportunities for research impact-driven agendas. Secondly, it presents the results of the analysis of the different collected barriers, challenges, and opportunities to implement impact-driven research agendas. 

The identified barriers/challenges are grouped in 4 main areas: (1) low and different impact literacy levels; (2) lack of structures, capacities and resources; (3) low commitment levels: lack of strategy, leadership and recognition/appreciation; (4) different regional, national and institutional landscapes. 

The identified opportunities are grouped into 5 main areas: (1) momentum; (2) connectivity among university teams; (3) co-creation with societal stakeholders; (4) available capacities and resources; (5) ENLIGHT leadership and platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration 

The deliverable covers barriers and opportunities for both impact-driven research agendas at universities institutional level, and for common impact-driven research agendas among different institutions. 


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